About Us

Pinot Shop

PINOT SHOP: Liquor Licence TAS 71110466


Monday to Friday 10-5pm 

Saturday 10-2pm


CLOSED SUNDAYS and Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Easter 2024 Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday and other selected public holidays (please phone in advance to check)

Pinotshop.com is the creation of Michele Round, wine and food writer, photographer, commentator, taster and wine retailer for the past nineteen years.

The bricks and mortar Pinot Shop, founded in 2007, is located in Launceston, Tasmania at 135 Paterson Street down at the river end near Cataract Gorge and Stillwater Restaurant.

Pinot Shop interior


What we do -

We specialise in the best of premium pinot noir...

...as grown so beautifully in the cool climes of Tasmania, New Zealand and southern parts of the big Australian continent. Our love for pinot extends to its sibling styles pinot gris and grigio and fizzy cousins sparkling wine and Champagne, even when they don’t contain pinot noir.

That’s not to say Pinot Shop has become too exclusive...

We also stock an interesting range of delicious wines for those (rare) times when you’re not drinking pinot.
Look through our website or visit our shop and you’ll find a special collection of wines of many styles from many parts of the world. They warrant space on our real and virtual shelves because someone loves them – either you our customers or else we’ve done some serious taste testing to make sure that they can be recommended with confidence as essential to the enjoyment of life.

Sometimes we can secure only tiny volumes...

...such is the demand for the world’s best wines, so the real shop has a much bigger stock range than we can list on the website. Do contact us as we love nothing better than talking you through (via phone…. or email….) our trove of treasures.

*Please note that all images and words on www.pinotshop.com are copyright to Michele Round